Looking for America
It's been a long time since I sent out a newsletter. My apologies! But I've been rather busy, you see. Like many in the world who do not want to be vaccinated (especially those of us living in highly controlled and
restricted places like the Bay Area of California), my husband Steve and I have had to confront some hard truths and make some hard decisions. We're still in the process of doing that and I'm not likely to send out many newsletters in
2022 either. But I did manage to write the following article that describes our quest. I hope it will be cause for hope for some of you, and food for thought for the rest of you. -Amy
Looking for America
On September 18, 2021, my husband Steve and I loaded up our Prius and its new roof box with three suitcases, two backpacks, three shopping bags, two duffel bags, a laundry basket, and a tent and sleeping bags (just in case), and
embarked on a two and a half month driving trip around America. Unvaccinated and in our late 60s, we drove 10,000 miles, visited 20 states, and stayed in 33 hotels, motels, and Airbnbs. Our friends and family were shocked that we
decided to do this at the height of the Delta variant wave. But we had begun taking Ivermectin as well as a host of vitamins as part of a recommended regimen for staying healthy. And we were also armed with COVID testing kits, over
100 homeopathic remedies in two potencies, my homeopathic repertory and materia medica, and a nebulizer for hydrogen peroxide. We were a bit nervous but felt ready. And we believed it was critical that we take this trip — now.
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